Potty Training a Resistant Toddler: Tips and Tricks for Success

potty training a resistant toddler

Potty training can be both a challenging and exciting milestone in your child’s life, but what do you do when your little one is resistant to the idea? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Many parents face this hurdle during the potty training journey. In this article, we’ll provide you with expert tips and techniques to help you navigate through this stage with ease, turning potty training a resistant toddler into just potty training!

Create a Comforting Potty Environment

Set the stage for success by creating a comforting and appealing potty environment for your child. Choose a child-friendly potty chair or a step stool to make the process more accessible and less intimidating. A better option is to include your toddler in choosing their potty or step stool. Involving your child in the preparation will foster a sense of ownership and autonomy. Decorate the bathroom with fun and engaging posters or decals that showcase their favorite characters or themes, making the potty area a welcoming and exciting space for your toddler.

Introduce Potty Training Gradually

Resistant toddlers may benefit from a gradual approach to potty training. Start by acquainting them with the potty, allowing them to sit on it with their clothes on, and explaining its purpose in a playful and age-appropriate manner. Gradually transition to having them sit on the potty without a diaper during diaper changes or before bath time. This step-by-step method can ease their apprehensions and build their confidence.

Need more specific methods to potty train your little one? Here’s an article that describes 3 Ways to Potty Train Your Toddler.

Make it a Fun and Rewarding Experience

 Transform potty training into a fun adventure by incorporating rewards and positive reinforcement. Utilize a sticker chart where your child earns a sticker for every successful potty trip. After accumulating a certain number of stickers, celebrate their achievement with a small, meaningful reward or treat. This positive reinforcement will motivate your toddler and create excitement around using the potty.

Emphasize Independence and Big Kid Status

Toddlers love to feel like “big kids,” so play up the idea of being independent by highlighting how using the potty is a significant milestone for grown-up boys and girls. Let them choose their special underwear with their favorite characters or colors, encouraging them to keep it clean and dry like a big kid. This sense of responsibility can inspire them to embrace the potty training process with enthusiasm.

potty training a resistant toddler
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com


Potty training a resistant toddler might seem like a daunting task, but with patience, consistency, and a positive attitude, you can overcome this challenge together. Remember to create a comforting potty environment, introduce the process gradually, make it enjoyable with rewards, and emphasize their newfound independence. Your little one will eventually embrace this important developmental milestone with pride. Happy potty training!

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