How to Get Back Into the Potty Training Routine

Life can sometimes throw us unexpected curveballs, leading to interruptions in our well-established routines. If you’ve found your potty training journey disrupted by travel, changes in family dynamics, or any other unforeseen events, fear not! In this article, I’ll be sharing expert insights and mom-tested strategies to help you smoothly transition back to your potty training routine and continue your progress with confidence. Let’s check out how to get back into the potty training routine!

how to get back into the potty training routine
Photo by Mochi Mochi on

1. Embrace Patience and Understanding

Life is full of ups and downs, and setbacks are completely normal. As a first-time parent, it’s important to remember that your child’s progress in potty training is a journey, not a race. Approach the situation with patience and understanding, both for your child and yourself.

2. Reestablish Consistency Gradually

After a disruption, gently ease back into your potty training routine. Start by reintroducing the potty at familiar times, such as after meals or upon waking up. Gradually build up to the previous level of consistency, taking cues from your child’s comfort and readiness.

3. Open Communication and Reassurance

Toddlers are perceptive and often thrive on routine. Communicate openly with your little one about the return to the potty training routine. Reassure them that, despite changes, the potty training journey is ongoing and you’re there to support them every step of the way.

4. Utilize Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool. Celebrate even the smallest victories and efforts your child makes towards using the potty. Stickers, praise, or a special treat can help motivate them to stay engaged in the process.

how to get back into the potty training routine
Photo by Natasha Babenko on


Life is an unpredictable adventure, and as a first-time parent, you’re navigating it with grace and determination. If your potty training routine experienced a hiccup due to travel, family changes, or other unforeseen events, don’t be disheartened. By embracing patience, reestablishing consistency, communicating openly, and using positive reinforcement, you can seamlessly return to your potty training routine and continue supporting your child’s growth and development.

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