Potty Training Woes: Help Your Toddler Use the Potty at Daycare Too!

potty training at daycare

Being a first-time parent can be both exciting and tough, especially when it comes to potty training. You’ve done a great job teaching your toddler to use the potty at home, but now they’re having trouble using it at daycare. Don’t worry! Many kids face this challenge. In this article, we’ll share some simple tips to help your toddler use the potty at daycare too.

1. Talk to Your Daycare Teacher

It’s important to talk to your daycare teacher about how you’re potty training your child at home. Share your routine and any difficulties your child is having. Understanding what happens at daycare will help you and the teacher work together. It’s important to get perspective on how potty training schedules work at daycare, so you can implement something similar at home. Your little one will be able to generalize their potty training if they are familiar with the routines and expectations.

2. Keep the Same Routine

Consistency is important for potty training success. Try to have the same routine at home and daycare. This means going to the bathroom at the same times, using the same methods, and practicing good habits. When your child sees that potty training is important in both places, it will be easier for them to learn. The more similar the routines and expectations are in two settings, the more likely your child will demonstrate their skill.

Struggling with potty training at daycare but not at home? Help your toddler use the potty at daycare too with these tips for first time parents.
Photo by Naomi Shi on Pexels.com

3. Pack Extra Clothes and Wipes

Accidents can happen, even when kids are potty trained. Make sure to pack extra clothes, training pants, and wipes in your child’s bag for daycare. This way, they’ll be prepared if there’s an accident. It’s also important to remind your child that accidents are okay and part of learning.

Accidents can also happen at home, so here are tips for handling potty training setbacks.

4. Learn to Do It by Yourself

Potty training is all about becoming independent. Teach your child how to pull down their pants, wipe themselves, and wash their hands. Practice these skills at home, and encourage them to do the same at daycare. When kids feel like they can do it themselves, they’ll feel more confident using the potty anywhere.

Alternatively, if your daycare permits, accompany your child in using the potty at daycare ONCE during morning drop off. Sometimes, your toddler just needs a nudge in the right direction from their preferred adult.

5. Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate Every Success

Praise and rewards are great motivators for potty training. When your child uses the potty successfully at daycare, celebrate their achievement. Talk to the daycare teacher about using positive reinforcement, a reward system, using stickers or small treats, to encourage their progress. When kids feel proud of themselves, they’ll want to keep using the potty.

Need a more elaborate explanation on positive reinforcement and how it relates to potty training? Here’s an article called Using Positive Reinforcement with Toddlers.

Potty training can be challenging, especially when it’s different at home and daycare. By talking to your daycare teacher, keeping a consistent routine, packing extra clothes, teaching independence, and celebrating successes, you can help your child use the potty at both places. Remember, every kid learns at their own pace, so be patient and supportive. With your help and cooperation from the daycare, your child will soon be potty trained both at home and daycare.

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